
SIMATIC Process Control System 7 (PCS7) is a powerful process control system, which is developed in accordance with concept of SIEMENS “Fully integrated automation”. This system fits perfect for automation of technological processes in various industrial fields. It is based on appliance of standart products SIMATIC S7, which functional capabilities are extended by the new software.
Offered set of software and harware tools alllows to solve succesfully the typical tasks of automated control.

SIMATIC PCS 7 is the universal plattform for solution of tasks of full enterprise automation of different fields of inustrial manufacturing. This can help to assure effective, wide ranging integration of the control systems for all processes in one control enterprise system.


PCS7 Bus small


SIMATIC PCS 7 is a iniform, funktionally full integrated system. It assures absolute fulfilment of all typical requierements to the control systems on the all phases: from design to the practical appliance:

  • Simple and secure process control.
  • Convenient operative control and visualization.
  • Efficient, quick and uniform design.
  • Flexible appliance of networks of the field level.
  • Possibility of appliance of the flexible packet management.
  • Openness, possibility of equipment appliance of other producers.
  • Wide use of IT-technologies, direct inclusion into ERP-envoronment
  • (Enterprise Resource Planning – ERP-level).

System SIMATIC PCS7 includes:

  • Programmable controllers  SIMATIC S7-400.
  • Systems of distributed I/O SIMATIC DP, based on stations ЕТ 200М/S/iSP/pro.
  • Industrial software – development system on the language STEP 7, and which includes CFС, SFC, SCL and SIMATIC Manager.
  • Systems of human-machine interface SIMATIC HMI:
    • Workstations and servers based on WinCC,
    • Web clients based on Internet Explorer.
  • Industrial networks SIMATIC NET: Industrial Ethernet and PROFIBUS.
  • Package SIMATIC BATCH for formulation processes.
  • Connection with systems of upper level and factory management (SIMATIC IT, SAP R/3 etc.))

PCS7 structure small

Functional capabilities

System has following funсtional capabilities::

  • Concerted configuration strategy of all technical tools.
  • Unifying bavigation concepts and service of alarm messages.
  • Access protection/control with limited operation list, which are permitted to different categories of operating personnel.
  • Unifying diagnostic and monitoring system.
  • Timing.
  • Integation of emergency control systems.
  • Complete redundancy of all elements: from devices of field level to the level of operator’s interface.
  • Full range of libraries with ready-to-use functional blocks, screen forms and characters.
  • Functions of process data import/export from/into CAD/CAE systems.
  • Software for package management of manufacturing processs (SIMATIC BATCH, соответствует ISAS88.01).

System is based not only on appliance of the full range of industrial software, but also on appliance of standard components SIMATIC. This allows:

  • To carry out selection of automation systems od different productivity depending on the requirements.
  • To carry out the step-by-step development of the systems of local and distributed I/O.
  • To carry out simple expanding of control and monitoring functions, from simple single-place system to distributed multi-user system with architecture client/server.
  • To fulfill expanding of functional capabilities of workstations through the installation of different optional software and hardware components

These special features allow to scale easily the system, to develop optimal decisions, which are maximally adapted to the requirements to control systems of specific industrial enterprises.

Openness of PCS 7 expands on all levels of enterprise management. It is achieved due to standard software interfaces and standard communication interfaces for organization of data exchange with application programs, and tool of export/import of graphics, texts and data.


Control systems

For building of SIMATIC PCS7 V7.1 are used the following models of controllers SIMATIC S7-400:

  • AS 414 with data storage capacity of the user’s programs 2,8МB and CPU 414-3/414-3IE.
  • AS 416 with data storage capacity 5,6МB with CPU 416-2/11,2MB with CPU 416-3/3IE.
  • AS 417 with data storage capacity 30МB.

Besides, to PCS7 can also belong controlers of enhanced reliability (H-systems) and controllers of enhanced security (F-systems or emergency shutdown systems) based on central processing units 412/414/417HF). All the systems include mounting rack, central processing unit, electrical power unit and interface of system bus. They are delivered assembled and before delivery they pass pretesting.


Stations of distributed I/OЕТ 200М/S/iSP/pro. Stations are connected to the systems through the bus PROFIBUS-DP. Stations allow to connect and disconnect modules without shut-down of the whole control system and plant. In stations can also used modules with intrinsically safe inputs and outputs (Ex-modules),  which meet the requirements of norms EN 50014 and for direct placement in such zone are applied stations iSP and operator panels of guarded construction.


SIMATIC PCS 7 is equipped with design system ES, which allows to solve many tasks of development of human-computer interface, control systems based on programmable logic controllers, systems of distributed I/O. Design system includes ready technical libraries – standard and APL, equipped with functional testing blocks, powerful edition and replication tools, which greatly raise effectiveness of develoment of the process control systems. Unifying organisation system of data storage and processing allows to use in SIMATIC PCS7 a lot of design tools: STEP 7, SCL, CFC, DocPro, options I&C, technological hierarchy and import/export assistant, WinCC.


Workstations of the system SIMATIC PCS7 are developed according to the special requirements to the process control systems. Basic software of working stations is WinCC (Windows Control Center). Main package WinCC is supported by control system options. Control system options assure security of access to the system due to plastic card reader units, timing, displaying of displaying process from videocamera, data archiving, hierarchical process displaying etc. In the system can also be used industrial and office workstations. They can help by creation of simple (with one workstation), and complicated systems “Client-Server” with distributed client structure, up to Web-clients.

OpenPCS 7

Communication station OpenPCS 7 serves for assurance of unified access points from foreign computers to the archival data, current parameters and reports of distribution control systems PCS7. Receiving datas can be analyzed and processed due to standard tools or be used by information system of more high hierarchical level (MIS, MES, ERP). Also is assured both team-work and individual work with PCS7 ОS (CAS, Server, Client, Single Station). Access to the system data (reports, technological parameter values, user data), which are stored on the OS-servers (incl. redundand) or on central archive server PCS7 AS, is carried out through OLE DB, OPC-DA, HDA, AE, HAE.


Industrial network of the family SIMATIC NET Industrial Ethernet are used for communication providing between engineering systems, control systems and human-computer interface devices. Components of DP/PA connection allow to connect devices of the field level with PROFIBUS-PA interface to PROFIBUS-DP. PROFIBUS-PA is the enhanced version of PROFIBUS-DP, which expands the technology of data transfer to the “smart” equipment. Components of DP/Ffconnecton allow to connect field devices with FOUNDATION Fieldbus H1 interface to PROFIBUS DP. Interface of the sensors and actuators (Actuator Sensor Interface – AS-i) also can be connected to PROFIBUS-DP.


SIMATIC PCS7 can also include software package SIMATIC BATCH, which allows to carry out package process control very easy and with minimum costs. SIMATIC PCS7 allows to carry out adaptive management of every processe – both continuos and package-oriented processes. In all ways of programm presentation user have got additional support in creation of recipe control of package processes.

SIMATIC Route Control

Package SIMATIC Route Control provides configuration, control, management and diagnistics tools for SIMATIC PCS7 in order to fulfill tasks in material transport through the pipelines with complex and branched structure. This package fits for every branch with the similar tasks.

PCS7 Asset Management

PCS7 Asset Management equipes SIMATIC PCS7 with tools, which allow to reduce total costs for enterprise maintanance. In the control system Asset Management fulfils functions of control of enterprise equipment, and also all effects concerning diagnistics, support and maintanance of the automation tools.


PCS7 is equipped with an integrated library APC, which allows to carry out the  upgraded control of technical process. It contains tools for planning of regulation settings, regulation quality control, multidemensional predictive control etc. Interference with external and embedded APC-systems, which realise the whole variety of control optimization methods, is also possible.