Autonomous loading/unloading

We think in advance about the possible integration of various automated control systems. By automating the ground and underground surface of the working, one part of the task is performed. Using unmanned vehicles in processes solves another part of the tasks to increase efficiency. But with this approach, there is always a risk of system incompatibility, when the implemented systems fail in subsequent attempts to link them into a single information base.

INFOCOM uses a flexible single platform in software development, so we achieve the introduction of individual unmanned objects with the subsequent expansion of individual solutions into jointly operating unmanned systems that work in concert in the workings.

Automation of loading / unloading operations allows you to increase the efficiency of using trucks, reduce their downtime, optimize their loading and movement along the route.

The autonomous truck and excavator management system makes sure that all available vehicles are used optimally, efficiently builds a sequence of operations and ensures that the overall effect of the work performed and the loading of the fleet is optimal.

Increase safety, reduce losses

Removing people from difficult and dangerous operations, improving the quality and culture of driving, monitoring the optimal use of the vehicle fleet and equipment

Optimizing Equipment Utilization

Eliminate the need to turn off equipment during shift changes and breaks, increase the time of use of the entire fleet of equipment

Productivity increase

Automated vehicle control allows you to gain benefits in various areas, including accurate positioning of machines for loading / unloading, more predictable routes, on-line information on material flows

Reduced cost per ton

Management of the entire fleet from the operator’s room becomes more predictable and uniform, due to this we immediately get savings in the use of labor, fuel and transport maintenance costs.

Improved resource management

Tracking and controlling the operations performed by trucks, at the same time we know exactly their load, allowable limits, and this helps to clearly understand when tires, brakes and other spare parts need to be serviced. car parts.

Production Plan Optimization

By eliminating the human factor in mine operations, operators can afford to neglect certain parameters in the design of mines and workings, such as the height of walls or the width of the road, which saves on the volume of rock transported.